Wednesday, August 25, 2010

September 1st Art Exhibit & Reception

& fromage.
Art Exhibit & Reception
Wednesday, September 1 • 6:30 - 8:30pm
Please join me for some wine & cheese while you enjoy the exhibition of works of art by local artists.
• Featuring Lois Siegel, Eveline Janis, Malcom MacMillan as well as resident artists from Hunt Club Manor and of course myself
• Thelma Relf from the National Capital Network of Sculptors exhibiting her work in marble, alabaster and soapstone
• Kazuri Jewelry by The Grandmother Connection Kenyan art
• Music by classical flutist Calla Fireman
1351 Hunt Club Rd
August 23

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Arabella SOLD

Last night Arabella was one of the pieces that I sold. The lady who purchased Arabella stood far, then near.... She couldn't take her eyes off the painting. Then she turned to me and said:
"I can hear her speak to me even though her back is facing me, I would like to bring her home now, but I would like you to keep Arabella until the end of the festival. She deserves to be admired awhile longer by those who will visit your exhibit."

There is nothing more fulfilling to an artist than the captivated look someone has on their face as they are standing and connecting with a painting.
Thank you to Ms Marchant for giving me the greatest feeling at this whole exhibit so far!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Time is up

I started painting and planing for this event four months ago... then it felt so far away... then I had all the time in the world... and suddenly, tomorrow is opening day. Where did the time go? Is there enough hours in the day to do everything? Yes it will have to be.
I am ready, see you there!

Monday, August 9, 2010

It`s almost here!

Two more days and I am setting up on Wednesday evening.
This is so exciting but it feels like I will never be ready for this. What I am waiting for with great anticipation is meeting new people, seeing old friends and looking forward to making new ones.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hello every one!!

GreekFest is located at the Hellenic Community of Ottawa, 1315 Prince of Wales Drive and runs from August 12 to 22. The gallery will be open on weekdays from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm and on weekends from 11:00 am to 10:00 pm. For more info on the festival, go to

Hope to see you there...and thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

8 days left

Hi every one. Am getting a lot done still a lot to be done but in the end everything is going to look and feel perfect! The countdown begins!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Nine days to Greek Fest!
Nine days to the first Show!